Since I got nice feedback from the community, I have published the source code of my ideas for a Java 6 annotation processor for OSGi Declarative Services. I have also set up a Wiki page that explains how to browse the code and run the demo and tests.
Any feedback would be highly appreciated.
Have Fun!
Hello Kai
I liked the idea of the a4ds processor : in our Company, we have many dev teams that have to declare exactly (only) one DS. So, it would be overkill to teach each one the guts and bones of DS and let them struggle with the declaration.
So I decided to try Your processor. Unfortunately, the generated XML’s are not declared in the manifest file. So I fixed that.
Even more unfortunately, for security reasons – I cannot share the code on the Redmine wiki or the subversion You kindly set up. Sorry. So I will try to email the code to You, and I hope that You will find it helpful.
Best regards from Switzerland, Christian