Eclipse Democamp Munich @ Siemens : Impressions

Yesterday we had the Eclipse Democamp at the Siemens campus in Munich. Since the weather was just too great and there was a European Football Championship quarter-final, “only” 131 of the 200 registered attendees showed up. Regarding the feedback I got so far, they enjoyed the event very much (Anonymous quote “Best Eclipse Demo Camp EVER!” :)). I would like to thank all attendees for coming and of course, all the speakers for their great sessions (list is ordered by speaking time slot): Ralph Müller, Tom Schindl, Sebastian Zarnekow, Frank Gerhardt, Benjamin Muskalla, Maximilian Kögel, Jonas Helming, Markus Tiede, Ralf Sternberg, and Tobias Röhm.

Organizing the event was so much fun that I plan to have another one next year.

CU  tonight at the Democamp in Zurich, Switzerland!


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